LAMPII User Manual | LM903
1. After locating a lateral to inspect, move the mainline camera joystick on the LAMPII so that
both the lateral and chute are visible.
This will ensure that the mainline camera is able to
monitor the insertion of the lateral camera into the lateral service.
2. Use the EXTEND/RETRACT switch on the controller to propel and retract the mini-camera into
the lateral. NOTE: The lateral reel should always be in the RETRIEVE mode while retracting
the push cable (the switch is located on the controller). Verify visually that the lateral reel is
retrieving the cable.
NOTE: The EXTEND/RETRACT function is dual-speed. It changes from LOW to HIGH and
vice versa any time the switch is toggled. It starts in LOW speed when switching directions.
3. After completing a lateral inspection,
and before retracting the lateral cable and moving on to
the next lateral
, place the lateral cable reel in the RETRIEVE mode. RETRACT the lateral push
cable, then switch back to RELEASE.
NOTE: If you retract the lateral cable all the way, it will prevent the mainline camera head from
rotating freely. Toggle the extend switch slightly to allow the mainline camera head to rotate.
The lateral reel system is designed to keep tension on the lateral video cable while
the launcher is transported through the pipeline and when the lateral camera is returning to the
4. To prevent the cable from catching any offset(s) and potentially getting disconnected or
damaged, ensure that a technician views the cable retrieval on the surface and that the lateral
video cable continues to move until the push cable is fully retracted. Visually verify that the reel
is picking up slack.
5. After completing the entire inspection, place the LAMPII controller in the RETRIEVE
position, the transporter controller in the REVERSE position, and the mainline cable reel
controller in the IN position. Put the transporter in FREE WHEEL by driving backwards slightly.
6. Put the main reel in the desired gear and and turn the reel controller ON.
7. Adjust the SPEED/FORCE controls on the LAMPII controller and gold reel controller until
the lateral and mainline cables are tracking each other during the retrieval process.
The LAMPII cable reel is designed to automatically track the cable when in the
RETRIEVE mode. The mainline (gold) cable reel physically pulls the launcher and the lateral
cable reel applies tension to the lateral cable to remove slack. When the gold cable
speed increases or decreases, the lateral video cable will track with it.
8. After the LAMPII has returned to the local manhole, use the hook to pull the LAMPII fom the
manhole. Refer to the
Retrieving the LAMPII
procedure in this chapter for more information.
9. Turn OFF the lateral reel, transporter, and launcher controllers.
10. If this is the last inspection of the day, refer to the
Equipment Maintenance
procedure in this
chapter for clean up instructions.