Special functions tab, HVEnable and ServoReset.
In some systems, the high voltage on some components is
turned off if E-STOP is pressed or when error occurs such as
LIMIT or FAULT from the servo drive. It is usually made by a
contactor. To control this contactor you can use one of the
output signals „ENABLE1-6” in Mach3. The disadvantage with
this solution is some time delay. If this output is going to be
controlled autonomously and immediately – you can define any
CSMIO/IP-M digital output as the HVEnable.
Another issue is the RESET signal for the servo drives. If, as a result of overload or collision any of the
drives the drives will turn off and the machine will stop (if the FAULT signals were configured correctly).
Mach3 program does not support the RESET signal from servo drives. For this purpose in the CSMIO/IP-M
you can define the digital output as a „Servo drive RESET”. After pressing RESET in the Mach, the signal is
activated for about 1 second and then goes inactive.
Both solutions are configured the same way:
Enabled – switching the function on/off.
Negated – selecting it causes that the active state on the output will be „0”.
Output Pin – CSMIO/IP output number
C S - L a b s . c . – C N C C S M I O / I P - M c o n t r o l l e r
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