Override sources tab, feed rate correction speed and spindle revs
The Mach3 program allows you to change the feed
rate and rotational speed of the spindle during
operation. Normally this is adjusted by two sliders on
the main screen. If the machine is equipped in
additional desktop with the buttons etc., using the
CSMIO/IP-M controller you can control the feed rate
and spindle rotations by the potentiometers
connected to the analog inputs. In the „Override
sources” tab of the plug-in you can configure – if the
speed control should be done by the Mach screen or
by the analog inputs. If so, which one?
„Feed rate override” refers to the feed rate, and the „Spindle speed
override” refers to the spindle revs. Available options:
Mach/Other – controlling in the Mach window
CSMIO-IP AIN0-1 analog input number in CSMIO/IP-M
MPG AIN0-1 analog input number in CSMIO-MPG module
MPG Axis 4-6 to change the speed with MPG wheel.
Spindle tab, selection of analog output that controls the spindle revs
In the tab, you should define the analog number for the controlling spindle
revs and whether this output should be used (see the 10.6 section about
the spindle configuration).
C S - L a b s . c . – C N C C S M I O / I P - M c o n t r o l l e r
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