In the CSMIO/IP-M controller, there are additionally implemented fault signals support (FAULT) from the
servo drives. Details in the „CSMIO/IP-M special functions configuration” chapter.
It is possible to give the same input PIN as
LIMIT and HOME. You should turn off the
„Home Sw. Safety” option in the „General
Config” window of the Mach3 program.
When turned off LIMIT signals are not
Configuration of digital output signals
Digital outputs are used for tasks such as switching the
spindle/torch, switching/releasing the brakes of
electromagnetic motors, cooling, solenoids valves
switching, etc.
Outputs configuration is almost the same as the inputs
Name of the column
Green tick means we use the signal.
Red “X” means that we do not use the signal and that it should not be
Port #
Input port number – for the CSMIO/IP-M it is
port no. 10
Pin Number
Pin number, means the CSMIO/IP-M output number, e.g. output no. 3 of the
controller we give here as the pin no. 3.
Active Low
Changing the polarity of the signal, it is a choice – whether the signal should
be active at 0V or at 24V.
Detailed description of the signals is available in the documentation on the ArtSoft® website:
, below we present short description of the most important of them.
C S - L a b s . c . – C N C C S M I O / I P - M c o n t r o l l e r
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