The CSMIO / IP-M device is powered by 24V safe voltage. I / O control lines are optically isolated, also the
PC connection is galvanically isolated. The device does not constitute a direct threat to the health and life
of the user.
Designing a complete control system (control cabinet), you should draw attention to several issues, so
that the entire system does not pose any hazard during use.
Always use the NC contacts for limit switches and safety switch. Thanks to it - a wiring mistake or i.e.
plug-ins disconnection will stop the machine.
Pay special attention to the emergency stop circuit. The control system must be designed in such a way
that when you press the emergency stop mushroom, controlled machine stops immediately in all axes.
You should also take into account the possibility of failure of particular system components such as the
main controller, or axis drives.
For that purpose you can use (not required) a standard safety relay (i.e. from PILZ Company). The safety
switch mushroom, FAULT signals of the drives and inverter and eventually other alarm signals – you
should connect to the input circuits. The output or outputs should be connected to the CSMIO/IP-M
controller, and defined as the emergency stop. Outputs of the security module should be also connected to
the axis drives, inverters, etc. This way we get double protection – if, by inappropriate configuration or
CSMIO/IP-M controller failure - the emergency would not work, the information goes to the axis drives,
which can properly respond to it. It works both sides: if the drives would not react, you always have the
CSMIO-IP/M Controller in the active state on the input line - defined as E-Stop, blocks the STEP signals
within 0.0001 s. It happens autonomously, without Mach3 program and thus the machine stops very fast.
The same happens with reaction to signals from limit switches.
C S - L a b s . c . – C N C C S M I O / I P - M c o n t r o l l e r
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