This example uses a microphone as an audio source for the Organelle and a footswitch to
control an e
ects patch. This setup is also fairly minimal.
As the audio
port accepts a 1/4" cable, you will need something other than a
regular XLR cable to use a microphone with the Organelle. This could mean a cable with
the appropriate connection for your microphone (probably XLR) and a 1/4" plug on the
other end for the Organelle, a standard XLR cable with a female XLR to 1/4" adapter
attached, etc.
As most microphones are monophonic, most patches that use audio input are likely to
either sum the left and right inputs together or only use the left input. This is not
problematic in and of itself, but it could a
ect your setup choices and expectations.
A USB MIDI Controller and Audio Input from an Electric
This example uses a guitar amplifier for audio output, an electric guitar as the source of
audio input, and a USB MIDI controller to supplement the Organelle's own keys and knobs.