3.3.2 NTP Time Server Settings
The Babel Buster maintains time and date via SNTP services.
NTP setup: Enter a primary and secondary IP address of NTP servers, such as those
found at wwv.nist.gov (go to http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi to find more). Enter
daylight start/end rules, and offset from GMT for both standard and daylight time.
Offset is a negative number in the western hemisphere. Enter an NTP update time in
minutes. Do not set NTP to update too frequently or you risk being denied service by
the NTP server. Click the Set NTP button after all settings have been made. The Flash
update will take several seconds. The initial update of local time may take a minute or
Daylight savings time start/end rules consist of "date/time" where the date (m.n.d)
indicates the day when summer time starts or ends, and time (hour:min:sec) is the
current local time when summer time starts/ends. The date portion of the rule is
formatted as follows:
m indicates the month (1 <= m <= 12)
n indicates which week of the month (1 <= n <= 5). 5 = the last week in the
d indicates what day of the week (0 <= d <= 6). 0 = Sunday
For example: Start "4.1.0/02:00:00", end "10.5.0/02:00:00" means summer time
starts at 2am on the first Sunday in April and ends at 2am on last Sunday in October.
That was the old US rule. The new US rule is start "3.2.0/02:00:00" and end
"11.1.0/02:00:00", which is start at 2am on the second Sunday in March, end at 2am
on the first Sunday in November.
Note about time maintained here: Modbus gateway functionality has no use for time
and date. The only time you have a need for valid time and date is when using secure
connections. If you are using a secure web connection and having trouble connecting,
be sure NTP is set up here. If using the internally self-generated X.509 certificate for
HTTPS, NTP is not needed.
3.3.3 Port Settings
3. System Configuration and Resources
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