3.3.1 IPv4, IPv6 Settings
To change the IP address(es) of this device, make the applicable entries and click
Apply. The "automatic" selection means DHCP. Changes to the IPv4 IP address will
take effect upon the next system restart.
If IPv6 is enabled, IPv6 will always have a Link-Local address, plus one configured
address. The configured address will be either the static IP address, or an IPv6
address obtained from an IPv6 DHCP server. If no configured address appears, the
DHCP server may have been unreachable.
The IPv6 static IP address window is the configured static address. If "Static" is
selected and a new IP address entered as the static address, this new address will not
take effect until the next system restart.
The numbers shown to the right of the IPv4 input windows are the actual numbers
currently in use. If static IP addresses have been entered but the gateway has not
been restarted yet, these numbers will not be the same.
The place to enter DNS Server IP addresses is provided; however, DNS is not used in
this particular gateway. The DNS feature is simply part of the standard network
configuration for Babel Buster 3 gateways in general.
3. System Configuration and Resources
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