Secure browsing can be enabled here, and non-secure can be disabled. You cannot
disable both, and a forced configuration reset will restore HTTP (non-secure) web
browsing. In order to use HTTPS, you must first upload the necessary SSL certificates
(see Appendix E) or allow the certificates to be self-generated by explicitly deleting
existing certificates.
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that in making the transition from HTTP to
HTTPS, you enable both until you confirm HTTPS is functional. If there is a problem
with the SSL certificates provided for HTTPS, then HTTPS will not run and you will find
an error message on the "HTTPS certificate status" line. If you disable standard
HTTP without first verifying that HTTPS is functional, you may end up locked out and
will then need to do a forced hard reset (Appendix A.6).
The HTTP port for browsing the user interface can be moved away from the default
HTTP port 80. Select a different port, click Set Ports, and then restart the gateway to
make that new port take effect. Don't forget to append the port number to the
gateway's IP address when attempting to browse the web user interface if it has been
moved away from port 80.
The Modbus port to which this device responds as a Modbus TCP server is entered
here. The standard port is 502. To enter a non-standard port number, enter that here
and click Set Ports to set the Modbus port. The device needs to be restarted after
changing the Modbus TCP port.
FTP is enabled by default to allow firmware update uploads. It may be optionally
disabled here. Just remember to enable it again before attempting a firmware update.
Any changes to these port numbers or enabling/disabling features requires restarting
the Babel Buster before they will take effect.
3.4 Resource Allocation
Most models of Babel Buster 3 gateways have a Resource Allocation page. Because the
BB3-6101-GW requires minimal resources to function, it always has the maximum
permitted resources already permanently allocated.
Modbus protocol specification permits RTU addresses (or unit numbers in TCP) to be
from 1 to 247 and this full range is supported by the BB3-6101-GW.
Support for up to 120 simultaneous Modbus TCP connections (unique IP addresses) is
provided by the BB3-6101-GW.
3. System Configuration and Resources
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