To remove a device from the list, simply set its count ("No. Units at this IP") to zero.
When this configuration is saved, any lines with a count of zero are skipped in writing
the XML file. The next time the file is reloaded, the lines with zero counts will be
completely gone. Any lines with a count of zero are skipped in address lookup.
5.3 How It Works
When the gateway receives a request from the RTU master, it will first verify the
checksum. The message will be discarded if there is a checksum error and there will
be no response. Next, the gateway scans the TCP Device Map table to see if the RTU
address in the request matches any RTU address in the table. If no match is found, the
message is disregarded and assumed to be intended for some other device on the RTU
If the message passes the checksum test and the RTU address is found in the
TCP Device Map table, the gateway will then remove the RTU checksum and add the
TCP header. The unit number in the TCP request will be replaced with the
5. Accessing TCP Devices from RTU
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