File System Wipe:
On rare occasion, the Flash file system has been observed to get corrupted as a result
of losing power while a write operation was in progress. This is most effectively
confirmed by opening a command prompt FTP session (Windows 10 PowerShell) to try
to view the files in the Flash file system. If FTP fails to show any files, in addition to
other problems saving or loading files, it may be that the file system has gotton
corrupted. If this happens, go to the page pictured above, and enter the Reformat key,
then click Wipe, and then power cycle the device (or restart from the File Manager
page). The reformat key is 55AAAA55. Simply type that into the window next to the
Wipe button.
MAC Address Restore:
In the event the MAC address has been reset due to NVRAM checksum failure, this
page will permit restoring the MAC address to its original address as printed on the
component label internal to this device, or on the default password label found on the
outside or on external documentation included with the device.
If the MAC address is deemed to be valid, the window will be labeled "Valid MAC
Address" and you will not be allowed to change it. If the MAC address is deemed to be
invalid, the window will be labeled "Restore MAC Address" and you should then enter
the correct MAC address and click Restore. A restart is then needed.
A.7 Firmware Update Notes
The most up to date firmware is shipped with all new devices. This isn't like a new
laptop where you spent the first half a day updating software on a computer you
thought was brand new. If you believe you have discovered an issue that you believe a
firmware update might fix, contact technical support first to confirm whether that is
the case, and then to get a login to the firmware update support site.
The brute force approach to updating firmware using TFTP as noted in the section
above is always available, but the more graceful approach is to use FTP to upload the
new image.bin file. There is one minor problem: The upload wants to buffer the entire
file in RAM while it procedes to reprogram the Flash memory.
If the memory
A. Hardware Details
file:///C:/AAA_CSI/Literature/2021 User Guides/BB3-6101-MX-61 Use...
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