Table of contents
200-00556-A 08222018-LW
Movement Detector 180 FM. SKU: C4-KNX-BW180-AS (KNXPROD File Name: SBW/U1.1.41-83)
Tabl e of cont ents
Movement Detector 180 FM Standard
Master .............................................. 43
Movement Detector 180 FM Standard
Slave ................................................ 46
Movement Detector 180 FM Standard
Brightness detection ....................... 47
This manual describes the function and configuration of the
Movement Detector 180 FM
Movement Detector 180 FM,
SKU C4-KNX-BW180-xx
(KNXPROD File Name: SBW/U1.1.41-83. Download:
Subject to change.
Exclusion of liability:
Although the contents of this document have been checked to ensure that they are
consistent with the hardware and software, deviations cannot be completely excluded.
We therefore cannot accept liability. Any necessary corrections will be incorporated in new
versions of the manual.
Please inform us of any suggested improvements.