Acquisition Mode under External Trigger
The camera has 3 acquisition types of external trigger mode, including SingleFrame trigger mode, Burst
trigger mode and Long exposure trigger mode. Under the several modes, the relationship between input
trigger signal, Strobe input signal, the camera exposure time and readout time are shown as below
SingleFrame Trigger Mode
Under this mode, only exposure one time when input one trigger signal.
Whether or not trigger the next frame during the camera data readout is determined by the frame rate and
exposure time. The external trigger input signal will be ignored when the current camera enable exposure.
Under this mode you can set a greater parameter value to fulfill Bulb Shutter.
Burst Trigger Mode
For the camera support Burst trigger mode, which means receive one trigger signal to output burst frames
images. You can set the number of Burst via
“Acquisition Burst Frame Count” in client software, and its
range is from 0~1023. The sequence diagram of burst trigger mode is shown below. When Burst Frame
Count=3, means one trigger signal output three frames images, the Strobe output control equal to
SingleFrame trigger mode.