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4.2. Recommended Practices
One of the easiest things to do to help increase the security posture of the network infrastructure
is to implement a policy and standard for secure management. This practice is an easy way to
maintain a healthy and secure network.
After you have performed the basic configurations on your switches, the following is a
recommendation which is considered best practice policy.
4.2.1 Changing Default Password
In keeping with good management and security practices, it is recommended that you change the
default password as soon as the device is functioning and setup correctly. The following details
the necessary steps to change the default password.
To change the password:
1. Navigate to Tools > User Account.
2. From the User drop-down menu, select the Admin (default) account.
3. In the User Name field, enter admin for this account. It is not necessary to change the user
name, however, a change in the default settings increases the security settings.
4. In the Password field, type in the new password. Re-type the same password in the Retype
Password field.
5. Click Apply to change the current account settings.
Figure 4-2. Changing a Default Password
After saving all the desired settings, perform a system save (Tools > Save Configura tion). The
changes are saved.