04/30/18 PAGE 126
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Table 4-93. Management > DHCP Server > Option 82 Settings
Click the drop-down menu to select an entry for the Option 82 setting.
Circuit ID Format Click the drop-down menu to select the format of the circuit ID: string or hex.
Circuit ID Content Enter the circuit ID string on the switch on which the request was received.
Remote ID Format Click the drop-down menu to select the format of the remote ID: string or hex.
Remote ID Content Enter the remote ID string of the host.
Low IP Address
Type in the value designating the lowest range in the IP address pool.
High IP Address
Type in the value designating the highest range in the IP address pool.
Subnet Mask
Type in the value designating the subnet mask for the IP address pool.
Type in the value designating the gateway for the IP address pool.
Type in the value designating the DNS for the IP address pool.
Click Apply to save the values and update the screen.
The ensuing table for Entry Information settings are informational only: Entry (click the drop-
down menu to select an entry), Entry ID, Circuit ID Format, Circuit ID Content, Remote ID Format,
Remote ID Content, Low IP Address, High IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS, Edit (click to
modify the settings) and Clear (click to clear the settings).
Lease Entry
To access this page, click Management > DHCP Server > Lease Entry.
The ensuing table for Lease entry Table settings are informational only: IP Address, Client Mac,
Start Time, End Time and Type.