InteliPro, SW version 1.4,
April 2014
InteliPro 1.4 Comprehensive Guide - rev. 1
Trp fm>>
trip due to exceeding of the second stage overfrequency
Trp fm<
trip due to exceeding of the first stage underfrequency
Trp fm<<
trip due to exceeding of the second stage underfrequency
Wrn DCTripCirc evaluation of DC trip circuit state when the input closed
Trp VectorShft
trip due to activation of vector shift protection
trip due to activation of rate of change of frequency protection
Trp DirOC L1
trip due to exceeding of the directional overcurrent limit in phase 1
Trp DirOC L2
trip due to exceeding of the directional overcurrent limit in phase 2
Trp DirOC L3
trip due to exceeding of the directional overcurrent limit in phase 3
Trp NVD>
trip due to exceeding of the first stage of neutral voltage displacement
Trp NVD>>
trip due to exceeding of the second stage of neutral voltage displacement
Wrn DirOC Test indication during activation of directional overcurrent test
Trp EFC>
trip due to exceeding of earth fault current limit
Trp IGS>
trip due to exceeding of ground surge instantaneous overcurrent limit
Trp I>
trip due to exceeding of first stage overcurrent limit
Trp I>>
trip due to exceeding of second stage overcurrent limit
Trp I> T
trip due to activation of time-overcurrent protection
Trp I> V
trip due to activation of time-overcurrent protection with voltage control
Trp EFC> T
trip due to activation of earth fault time-overcurrent protection
Trp IGS> T
trip due to activation of ground surge time-overcurrent protection
Wrn Watchdog watchdog event occurred
Trp I Unb
trip due to current unbalance
trip due to the parallel conditions has stayed longer then allowed
Trp P>
trip due to the first stage of directional power limit
Trp P>>
trip due to exceeding of the second stage directional power limit
Trp Vm1 Avg > trip due to exceeding of the floating average overvoltage limit in phase 1
Trp Vm2 Avg > trip due to exceeding of the floating average overvoltage limit in phase 2
Trp Vm3 Avg > trip due to exceeding of the floating average overvoltage limit in phase 3
Trp Pole Slip
trip due to pole slip protection activation
Trp Dyn Volt
trip due to activation of dynamic voltage protection
Trp QU Gen
trip of the GCB due to QU protection activation
Trp QU Mns
trip of the MCB due to QU protection activation
Sd IOM Fail
error of IOM connection to InteliPro
Wrn RA Fail
error of RA15 connection to InteliPro
Wrn BadPwrCfg a controller with different setting of units of power is connected to CAN
PS Disabled
condition for correct calibration of Pole slip protection are not fulfilled
Wrn PS Fail
disturbance on RPM input