Test Procedures
2004 Precedent IQ System Golf Car Maintenance and Service Manual
Page 11-21
See General Warnings, Section 1, Page 1-1.
The accelerator position, which is proportional to the MCOR voltage, can be displayed with the IQDM hand-
set. If an IQDM handset is not available, proceed to MCOR Voltage Test without the IQDM Handset on
page 11-21.
MCOR Voltage Test with the IQDM Handset
1. Place chocks at the front wheels and lift the rear of the vehicle with a chain hoist or floor jack. Position
jack stands under the frame rails just forward of each spring mount.
See following WARNING.
• The key switch should be placed in the OFF position and left in the OFF position for the
duration of this test.
2. Connect the IQDM to the vehicle as described in the IQDM Owner’s Manual.
3. Access the Test menu and select THROTTLE % by using the SCROLL DISPLAY buttons.
4. The IQDM should indicate 0 % with the pedal not pressed. While monitoring the IQDM display screen,
slowly press the accelerator pedal. As the pedal is pressed, the IQDM should indicate a rise from 0 %
(pedal not pressed) to 100 % (pedal fully pressed).
5. If the MCOR does not operate as described in step 4, proceed to MCOR Voltage Test without the IQDM
Handset on page 11-21.
MCOR Voltage Test without the IQDM Handset
1. Place chocks at the front wheels and lift the rear of the vehicle with a chain hoist or floor jack. Position
jack stands under the frame rails just forward of each spring mount.
See following WARNING.
• The key switch should be placed in the OFF position and left in the OFF position for the
duration of this test.
2. With the batteries connected, placeTow/Run switch in RUN. Using a multimeter set to 200 volts DC, place
red (+) probe on battery no. 1 positive post and place black (–) probe (with insulation-piercing probe) on
the purple wire at a point close to the three-pin connector at the MCOR. The reading should be approx-
imately 48-50 volts (full battery voltage).
3. If reading is zero volts, check the purple wire continuity from the three-pin connector at the MCOR to the
16-pin connector at the speed controller. Check terminal positions in three-pin connector at the MCOR
and the 16-pin connector. If all of the continuity readings are correct and the connectors are wired cor-
rectly, replace the speed controller.
4. With multimeter set to 20 volts DC, place the black (–) probe on battery no. 4 negative post and the red
(+) probe (with insulation-piercing probe) on the white/black wire at a point close to the three-pin con-
nector at the MCOR. The reading should be approximately 4.65 volts.
5. If reading is zero volts, check the white/black wire continuity from the three-pin connector at the MCOR
to the 16-pin connector at the speed controller. Check terminal positions in three-pin connector at the
MCOR and the 16-pin connector. If all of the continuity readings are correct and the connectors are wired
correctly, replace the speed controller.