Technical Support: 800-283-5936
There are eight configurable filter types available:
All Pass
: Frequency range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
All Pass
changes the phase of the audio signal at the
set frequency.
CD Horn
: Horn drivers commonly used in arrays in arenas and auditoriums have an inherent 6dB/
octave high frequency rolloff. The
CD Horn
EQ compensates for this characteristic.
High Pass
: Selectable frequency cutoff is 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Rolloff is 12dB/octave. Level is fixed at 0dB.
High Shelving
: Provides boosting or attenuation of frequencies above a designated frequency. The
transition between the spectrum above and below the designated frequency occurs at a fixed 6dB/
octave rate. The gain or loss above the corner frequency is adjustable to +/- 15dB.
Low Pass
: Selectable frequency cutoff is 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Rolloff is 12dB/octave. Level is fixed at 0dB.
Low Shelving
: Provides boosting or attenuation of frequencies below a designated frequency. The
transition between the spectrum above and below the designated frequency occurs at a fixed 6dB/
octave rate. The gain or loss below the corner frequency is adjustable to +/- 15dB.
: Center frequency range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Bandwidth is from 0.05 to 5 octaves in 0.01 octave
increments. Level is fixed at -80dB.
Parametric Equalizer
): Center frequency range is 20Hz to 20kHz in 0.01Hz increments.
Bandwidth is 0.05 to 5 octaves in 0.01 octave increments. Level Range = -15 to +15dB in 0.5dB
button opens the Compressor window. With the compressor you can change the gain transfer
characteristics of the signal path and control the dynamics of a signal.
Select the
Enable Compressor
check box to activate the compressor.
Post Cmprs Gain
: Adjust the compressor gain with the gain slider.
The graph reflects the Input/Output Decibel Levels with the selected Gain setting.
: Determines the RMS level at which the compressor begins to operate. Range = -60 to
+20dBu, Default = 0dBu.
: Changes the rate of compression applied to the input signal as the signal exceeds the threshold
level. Range = 1:1 to 1:20dB, Default = 1:1.
: Determines how quickly compression is enabled. It is calibrated in milliseconds. Range = 0 to
100ms in 0.5ms steps, Default = 10ms.
: Determines how quickly compression is disabled. Range = 100ms to 2 seconds, in 10ms
steps, Default = 500ms.
Input Meter
: This peak meter shows the level of the signal as it enters the compressor.
Compression Meter
: This peak meter shows the instantaneous compression value at a given time.
: Silences each processing channel independently.
: Slider independently adjusts the gain level for each processing channel. Levels for each channel
are reported in the corresponding meter. The meter displays post processing and post gain levels.