Your Hipot tester
This topic will cover one or two pages depending on the
connection options available (Insulation and Hipot can be Class
1 or Class 2). Each connection option will have a new page of
Why tests fail
The final page of information provides guidance on why a test may fail
e.g. connection problems. This includes a step by step checklist to
ensure all of the connections are correct and secure.
The effect of User Levels during Test Sequences
There are two possible user levels: Novice and Advanced.
The user level for a new user is set to Novice.
Novice User Level
When the user level is set to Novice Level, the help information is
displayed before every new test
Press the Green button key to continue the sequence.
Advanced User Level
When the user level is set to Advanced Level, no help information will
be shown before a test. Use the Help/Information key for help
information if required at any time.