Your Hipot tester
At every start-up the System Setup is Password Protected if a password
has been set up. To select an option from the Main Menu, use the
encoder or the relevant fast keys command. The selected option will be
highlighted by a light-coloured bar. The highlighted selection is
activated by pressing the Green button. Depending on current setup you
may be prompted to enter in Password at certain stages of navigation or
execution of commands. (
See notes on Restoring Password
Protection )
To perform Automatic test select New Test and to conduct Manual Test
select Manual Mode using the fast key button.
Also on the Main Menu screen the current details of the User, Site,
Location and Date/Time will be displayed respectively.
If you need to change the current User, Site or Location name use the
encoder to highlight CHANGE USER, CHANGE SITE or CHANGE
LOCATION and press Green to select from the lists.
It should be worth knowing that a barcode scanner can be used
optionally to the encoder for Quick entering of products, users, sites,
locations, passwords and even comments in barcode format.
The Date/Time will need to be updated only once and
this will be retained in memory.