Civemasa Implementos Agrícolas
CRO 4.0
The CRO 4.0 compost turner was specially designed to be
used by sugar mills, distilleries and agro-industries (since their
industrialization processes produces solid or semi-solid wastes)
and city halls that have waste recycling plants.
The main areas initially explored by Civemasa were the sugar
mills and distilleries, which usually already use the subproducts
obtained from sugar cane processing, such as the use of filter
cake to fertilize the total area or the furrow. Besides the filter cake
usage, it is possible to use another products such as bagasse,
vinasse, boiler ash, chimney soot and others.
The compost turner is pulled by the tractor drawbar. This
equipment has two tires and the frame with finned rotor which is
vertically lifted by a hydraulic cylinder.
This instructions manual contains the necessary information
for the best performance of this equipment. The operator must
carefully read the entire manual before working with the equipment.
Also, read and understand the safety recommendations.
For any further clarification or in the event of technical
problems that may arise during the service, consult your dealer
and the Technical Support department of the factory. They can
ensure the fully functioning of your CIVEMASA equipment.