Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 49 Configuring UDLD
Understanding How UDLD Works
UDLD is a Layer 2 protocol that works with the Layer 1 protocols to determine the physical status of a
link. At Layer 1, autonegotiation takes care of physical signaling and fault detection. UDLD performs
tasks that autonegotiation cannot perform, such as detecting the identities of neighbors and shutting
down misconnected LAN ports. When you enable both autonegotiation and UDLD, Layer 1 and Layer 2
detections work together to prevent physical and logical unidirectional connections and the
malfunctioning of other protocols.
Please refer to RFC 5171 for a more detailed description of the algorithm for UDLD. The UDLD
algorithm requires that all the devices connected to the same LAN segment be running the protocol in
order for a potential misconfiguration to be detected and for a corrective action to be taken promptly.
A unidirectional link occurs whenever traffic transmitted by the local device over a link is received by
the neighbor but traffic transmitted from the neighbor is not received by the local device. If one of the
fiber strands in a pair is disconnected, as long as autonegotiation is active, the link does not stay up. In
this case, the logical link is undetermined, and UDLD does not take any action. If both fibers are working
normally at Layer 1, then UDLD at Layer 2 determines whether those fibers are connected correctly and
whether traffic is flowing bidirectionally between the correct neighbors. This check cannot be performed
by autonegotiation, because autonegotiation operates at Layer 1.
The Cisco 7600 series router periodically transmits UDLD packets to neighbor devices on LAN ports
with UDLD enabled. If the packets are echoed back within a specific time frame and they are lacking a
specific acknowledgment (echo), the link is flagged as unidirectional and the LAN port is shut down.
Devices on both ends of the link must support UDLD in order for the protocol to successfully identify
and disable unidirectional links.
By default, UDLD is locally disabled on copper LAN ports to avoid sending unnecessary control traffic
on this type of media since it is often used for access ports.
Figure 49-1
shows an example of a unidirectional link condition. Switch B successfully receives traffic
from Switch A on the port. However, Switch A does not receive traffic from Switch B on the same port.
UDLD detects the problem and disables the port.
Figure 49-1 Unidirectional Link
UDLD Aggressive Mode
UDLD aggressive mode is disabled by default. Configure UDLD aggressive mode only on point-to-point
links between network devices that support UDLD aggressive mode. With UDLD aggressive mode
enabled, when a port on a bidirectional link that has a UDLD neighbor relationship established stops
receiving UDLD packets, UDLD tries to reestablish the connection with the neighbor. After eight failed
retries, the port is disabled.
Switch A
Switch B