Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 41 Configuring PFC QoS
PFC QoS Configuration Guidelines and Restrictions
Supported Granularity for CIR and PIR Rate Values
PFC QoS has the following hardware granularity for CIR and PIR rate values:
Within each range, PFC QoS programs the PFC with rate values that are multiples of the granularity
Supported Granularity for CIR and PIR Token Bucket Sizes
PFC QoS has the following hardware granularity for CIR and PIR token bucket (burst) sizes:
CIR and PIR Rate Value Range
32768 to 2097152 (2 Mbs)
32768 (32 Kb)
2097153 to 4194304 (4 Mbs)
65536 (64 Kb)
4194305 to 8388608 (8 Mbs)
131072 (128 Kb)
8388609 to 16777216 (16 Mbs)
262144 (256 Kb)
16777217 to 33554432 (32 Mbs)
524288 (512 Kb)
33554433 to 67108864 (64 Mbs)
1048576 (1 Mb)
67108865 to 134217728 (128 Mbs)
2097152 (2 Mb)
134217729 to 268435456 (256 Mbs)
4194304 (4 Mb)
268435457 to 536870912 (512 Mbs)
8388608 (8 Mb)
536870913 to 1073741824 (1 Gps)
16777216 (16 Mb)
1073741825 to 2147483648 (2 Gps)
33554432 (32 Mb)
2147483649 to 4294967296 (4 Gps)
67108864 (64 Mb)
4294967296 to 8589934592 (8 Gps)
134217728 (128 Mb)
8589934592 to 10000000000 (10 Gps) 268435456 (256 Mb)
CIR and PIR Token Bucket Size Range Granularity
1 to 32768 (32 KB)
1024 (1 KB)
32769 to 65536 (64 KB)
2048 (2 KB)
65537 to 131072 (128 KB)
4096 (4 KB)
131073 to 262144 (256 KB)
8196 (8 KB)
262145 to 524288 (512 KB)
16392 (16 KB)
524289 to 1048576 (1 MB)
32768 (32 KB)
1048577 to 2097152 (2 MB)
65536 (64 KB)
2097153 to 4194304 (4 MB)
131072 (128 KB)
4194305 to 8388608 (8 MB)
262144 (256 KB)
8388609 to 16777216 (16 MB)
524288 (512 KB)
16777217 to 33554432 (32 MB)
1048576 (1 MB)