Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 23 Configuring UDE and UDLR
Configuring UDE and UDLR
Enable l3 port unidirectional mode will automatically disable ip routing on the port. You
must manually configure static ip route and arp entry in order to route ip traffic.
This example shows how to verify the configuration:
show interface tengigabitethernet 1/1 unidirectional
Unidirectional configuration mode: send only
CDP neighbour unidirectional configuration mode: receive only
This example shows how to disable UDE on 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface 1/1:
configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
interface tengigabitethernet 1/1
This example shows the result of entering the
show interface
command for a port that does not support
unidirectional Ethernet:
show interface fastethernet 6/1 unidirectional
Unidirectional Ethernet is not supported on FastEthernet6/1
Configuring UDLR
These sections describe how to configure UDLR:
UDLR Back-Channel Tunnel Configuration Guidelines, page 23-6
Configuring a Receive-Only Tunnel Interface for a UDE Send-Only Port, page 23-7
Configuring a Send-Only Tunnel Interface for a UDE Receive-Only Port, page 23-7
UDLR Back-Channel Tunnel Configuration Guidelines
When configuring UDLR back-channel tunnels, follow these guidelines:
The PFC3 does not provide hardware support for UDLR back-channel tunnels. The MSFC3 supports
UDLR back-channel tunnels in software.
Configure a UDLR back-channel tunnel for each unidirectional link.
On UDE send-only interfaces, configure the UDLR back-channel tunnel interface to receive.
On UDE receive-only interfaces, configure the UDLR back-channel tunnel interface to send.
You must configure IPv4 addresses on UDLR back-channel tunnel interfaces.
You must configure source and destination IPv4 addresses on UDLR back-channel tunnel interfaces.
The UDLR back-channel tunnel default mode is GRE.
UDLR back-channel tunnels do not support IPv6 or MPLS.