Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring Ports and Interfaces
Configuring a 4400 Series Controller to Support More Than 48 Access Points
AP-manager interfaces need not be on the same VLAN or IP subnet, and they may or may not be on the
same VLAN or IP subnet as the management interface. However, Cisco recommends that you configure
all AP-manager interfaces on the same VLAN or IP subnet.
You must assign an AP-manager interface to each port on the controller.
Before an access point joins a controller, it sends out a discovery request. From the discovery response
that it receives, the access point can tell the number of AP-manager interfaces on the controller and the
number of access points on each AP-manager interface. The access point generally joins the AP-manager
with the least number of access points. In this way, the access point load is dynamically distributed
across the multiple AP-manager interfaces.
Access points may not be distributed completely evenly across all of the AP-manager interfaces, but a
certain level of load balancing occurs.
Figure 3-14
Two AP-Manager Interfaces
Before implementing multiple AP-manager interfaces, you should consider how they would impact your
controller’s port redundancy.
The 4402-50 controller supports a maximum of 50 access points and has two ports. To support the
maximum number of access points, you would need to create two AP-manager interfaces (see
Figure 3-14
) because a controller can support only 48 access points on one port.