Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Configuring WLANsWireless Device Access
Configuring WLANs
Configuring Access Point Groups
In a typical deployment, all users on a WLAN are mapped to a single interface on the controller.
Therefore, all users associated with that WLAN are on the same subnet or VLAN. However, you can
override this default WLAN setting
to distribute the load among several interfaces
or to group users based
on specific criteria such as individual departments (for example, marketing) by creating
access point
(formerly known as site-specific VLANs). Additionally, these access point groups can be
configured in separate VLANs to simplify network administration as illustrated in the example in
Figure 6-9
The required access control list (ACL) must be defined on the router that serves the VLAN or subnet.
Multicast traffic is not supported when access point group VLANs are configured.
Figure 6-9
Access Point Groups