6 . t r e at M e N t O P t i O N S , F u N c t i O N S a N d d e V i c e S e t t i N G S
WIRELESS PROFESSIONAL configuration/Settings
Within the Configuration/Setting menu, it is possible to change the application configuration by selecting
different languages.
The following languages are available:
• English
• French
• German
• Spanish
• Italian
• Dutch
• Turkish
• Portuguese
• Danish
• Swedish
• Norwegian
• Finnish
• Czech
• Russian
• Polish
• Greek
It is as well possible to manage your data base with the following functions:
1. Backup / Restore your data:
The database administration tab allows you to backup all your data (history, patient’s list and custom
programs) in a file that can be saved on any storage system. Just click on “backup” and the SOFTWARE will
automatically suggest a name for the backup file and ask you where you want to store it.
If necessary, this backup file can then be used to Restore your data.
Just click on “Restore”, select the file you want to use to restore your system and confirm.
2. Clear all data
Clicking on “Clear all data” will delete all stored data within the SOFTWARE and reset the SOFTWARE to
the default setting.
And the information about the SOFTWARE is included:
• Disclaimer
• Version
• Contact