6 . t r e at M e N t O P t i O N S , F u N c t i O N S a N d d e V i c e S e t t i N G S
6.5.2 additional Functions of the SOFtWare, when having a WireleSS
PrOFeSSiONal device
When having a WIRELESS PROFESSIONAL device the SOFTWARE allows you additional functions to be
used with your Remote Control.
History List:
When having the Remote Control synchonised with your Computer, all performed
treatments will be shown in this list in the order they had been performed, the latest
Patient List:
Will show all patients you added to this list, the notes you made on them and the
history of their treatments.
User Program List:
Will show all programs you created an their parameters.
To synchronise the Remote Control and the SOFTWARE
For database and application configuration.
You will find instructions to use the SOFTWARE and warnings in here.