5 . H O W t O P e r F O r M a t r e at M e N t, P e r F O r M a N c e c H e c k
5.6 Starting the treatment
Before starting the stimulation, the remote control asks you to turn on the modules, one after the other,
by pressing their button On/Off.
For each module detected by the remote control, the device will prompt you to switch on another, up to a
maximum of 4 modules.
If you want to use a limited number of modules for your session, press the START button after the number
of modules you want has been detected.
After activating the modules, press START to start with the therapy:
• Stimulation always starts at intensity level 0.
• Select a channel to change the intensity by pressing the corresponding button.
• The channel will be marked dark blue.
• Use the navigation pad (up-down) to increase or decrease the stimulation energy (intensity) on selected
• None selected channels will remain on their set intensity level.
This feature allows you to change the intensity for each channel itself or more than 1 at the same time (by
marking the designated channels).
If mi-SCAN has been activated (default setting):
- This function adjusts the electrostimulation session to the physiology of each patient. Just before
starting the work session, mi-SCAN tests the muscle group and automatically adjusts the settings
of the stimulator to the excitability of this area of the body.
- In order to ensure optimum efficiency and comfort of the session it is recommended to perform
the mi-SCAN measurement before each session.
- This function is implemented at the beginning of the programme by a short sequence in which
measurements are made.
- Throughout the duration of the test, it is important to stay still and be relaxed.
- When the test is complete, the programme can be started by increasing the intensity levels of the