6 . t r e at M e N t O P t i O N S , F u N c t i O N S a N d d e V i c e S e t t i N G S
6.5 WireleSS PrOFeSSiONal SOFtWare (firmware update remote control,
customised programs, patient history)
The WIRELESS PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE is a software to be installed on your Computer to extend the
capabilities of your WIRELESS PROFESSIONAL 2 and 4CH devices.
The key features included with the SOFTWARE are:
• Update the firmware of your WIRELESS PROFESSIONAL remote Control
• Create your own customized stimulation programs
• Create a patient list and monitor their therapy progress
You can download the SOFTWARE to your computer from
6.5.1 Firmware update of the remote control
The WIRELESS PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE always contains the latest version of the WIRELESS
PROFESSIONAL firmware of the remote control and modules.
To update your Remote Control:
1. Download the SOFTWARE from
2. Run the SOFTWARE
3. Connect your Remote Control to your Computer
The firmware of your remote control will be automaticly updated by the SOFTWARE.
Your modules will be automatically updated by the Remote Control when turning them on within the next
treatment session.