1 3 . aV a i l a B l e t H e r a P y P r O G r a M S
Spastic hypertonia develops in the different types of lesions of the central nervous
system pathways. Since it is no longer under the control of the higher nervous centres,
the myotatic reflex becomes hyperactive and hypertension develops predominantly in
the anti-gravity muscles. Over time, spasticity may lead to muscle contractures and a
decreased range of movement.
To reduce spasticity by inhibiting the motor neurons of the spastic muscle through
reciprocal inhibition reflex.
Stimulating the antagonistic muscle to the spastic muscle by reciprocal inhibitory reflex.
This programme has a very gradual rate of tensioning and does not use low frequencies
in order to avoid triggering the myotatic reflex (monosynaptic stretch reflex) of the
spastic muscle.
PulSe WidtH
To make it as comfortable as possible for the patient, use pulse widths equivalent to the
chronaxies of the motor nerves of the abdominal and lumbar muscles. The mi-SCAN
function can be used to determine the pulse widths suitable for the patient’s muscles.
Electrodes positioned depending on the muscle to be stimulated, in accordance with
the instructions.
Use the necessary energy to produce a contraction that is capable of causing
movement across the whole of its range. Care must always be taken to ensure that the
stimulation does not spread as far as the spastic muscle.
- A minimum of 1 channel with muscular work imposed by the Disuse atrophy
- A maximum of 3 channels with the TENS programme.
• Electrodes positioned on the painful area.
• Sufficient stimulation energy to produce a clear tingling sensation.
Once the +TENS combination has been activated, the message “TENS” appears on the
screen with respect to the channel or channels where the treatment is active. The mi
functions – apart from the mi-SCAN – are also no longer accessible.
Take care to properly observe the correct order for switching on the modules, the order
of switching on that corresponds to the numbering of the channels.