1 3 . aV a i l a B l e t H e r a P y P r O G r a M S
PaiN relieF ii
tHOracic Back PaiN
Thoracic back pain is most commonly a result of chronic contractures of the
paravertebral back muscles (erector spinae) and is, for example, due to spinal
osteoarthritis or postures where the spinal muscles remain tense for long periods of
For pain relief and relaxation of muscle contractures.
Endorphin stimulation aids pain relief by increasing production of endogenous opioids.
The associated vascular effect results in effective drainage of acidic metabolites and
enables the elimination of muscular acidosis.
PulSe WidtH
Endorphin stimulation first targets the sensitive Aδ nerve fibres, which are best
stimulated with a larger pulse of 200µs. However the vascular effect is secondary to
the co-activation of the motor units, which have a slightly higher chronaxy that is
measured at the start of the session using the mi-SCAN function.
Electrodes positioned according to the specific indication.
An essential factor in the effectiveness of electrotherapy is the ability to cause visible
muscle twitches. The mi-RANGE function can be used to determine the minimum level
of energy required to produce an appropriate muscle response.
- A minimum of 1 channel with muscular work imposed by the Disuse atrophy
- A maximum of 3 channels with the TENS programme.
• Electrodes positioned on the painful area.
• Sufficient stimulation energy to produce a clear tingling sensation.
Once the +TENS combination has been activated, the message “TENS” appears on the
screen with respect to the channel or channels where the treatment is active. The mi
functions – apart from the mi-SCAN – are also no longer accessible.
Take care to properly observe the correct order for switching on the modules, the order
of switching on that corresponds to the numbering of the channels.
tHOracic Back PaiN
PulSe WidtH
treatMeNt tiMe
5 Hz
250 μs
20 min