1 4 . H O W T O U S E T H E W I R E L E S S P R O F E S S I O N A L O N S P E C I F I C
14.7 rehabilitation of the gluteal muscles following total hip replacement
Orthopaedic surgery to the hip and, in particular, the fitting of a prosthesis, results in disuse atrophy of
the gluteus muscles with loss of strength in the active stability of the hip when standing on one foot and
In addition to active physiotherapy exercises, neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the gluteus maximus
and medius is a technique particularly indicated for the effective treatment of weakness in these muscles.
It is recommended to start treatment as soon as possible after the operation.
The very low frequency sequences such as the warm-up, active rest between tetanic contractions and
final recovery phase at the end of the treatment sequences generate individualized muscle twitches
producing vibration in the prosthetic material.
The three levels of the Hip prosthesis programme correspond respectively to the programmes:
• Disuse atrophy, Level 1
• Disuse atrophy, Level 2 and
• Reinforcement, Level 1,
from which the very low frequencies are removed.
The three levels of the Hip prosthesis programme therefore induce only tetanic contraction phases
separated by complete rest phases.
14.7.1 Protocol
• Week 1: Hip prosthesis Level 1
• Weeks 2 – 3: Hip prosthesis Level 2
• Week 4: Hip prosthesis Level 3
If the patient is experiencing associated pain symptoms, TENS stimulation can be performed in addition on
the other channels.
In this case, the specific practical rules for TENS (electrode placement, regulation of intensity) should be
followed for each channel used for this purpose.
14.7.2 treatment frequency
Once daily, 5 days per week, for 4 weeks.