C. Install Mainspring
1. Remove the plastic tie holding the throwing arm in place and rotate the arm counter
clockwise 180
so it is facing forward of the trap in the 12 o‟clock position.
2. Remove the wire tie holding the crankshaft eyebolt.
3. Attach the hook on one end of the S1 (Mainspring) through the crankshaft eyebolt.
(Eyebolt should be pointing toward rear of trap.)
4. Push threaded end of S2 (Mainspring Bolt) through hole in rear of body.
5. Attach the hook on other end of S1 (Mainspring) through the hole in end of S2 (Mainspring
6. Attach S3 (10mm Flat Washer) and S4 (10mm Flange Nut) to S2 (Mainspring Bolt).
7. With the throwing arm still facing forward of the trap, tighten S4 until all the slack is taken
up in the spring and the bolt is tight. Add S5 (10mm Hex Nut) and tighten against S4.
8. The throwing arm is now in the uncocked position and is under standard tension.
S5 S4 S3