Mounting the Rack
To ensure the best gate travel the rack should follow the gates
movement. The rack should be fastened to the gate in section
follow the contours of the gateʼs travel. Release the gate drive as
detailed above first. Lay one section of rack across the drive pinion
parallel to the ground. Allowing for 1-2mm of clearance between
and the drive pinion and the rack to avoid pressure and possible
damage to the gears. Allowance should be made for later adjusted
to the rack, mark the first hole at the end of your rack. Fasten the
rack in place, role the gate forward and fasten the remaining
sections of rack using the same method.
1-2mm clearance
between drive and rack.
Mounting the Motor
Hand tighten one of the nuts provided onto each of
the four posts (tighten to about 15mm from the base
of the plate) then place a washer (provided) onto
each post.
Remove the cover from the motor and fit the motor
onto the threaded posts. Position the motor and
drive pinion approximatly in place (some
adjustments may be required).
Place a washer onto each post then hand tighten
the nuts provided onto the post, some final
adjustments will be required so do not tighten the
nuts yet.
NOTE: Remove any foam packing from the motor
Fitting the Magnets
Your MGS gate kit contains two magnets,
marked one and two. These indicate to the
gate motor the gate position it is essential that
they are fitted correctly.
Magnets must be installed between
10-15mm from the limit switch
(see page 6).
A (1)
B (2)
max. 15mm
B (2)
A (1)
B (2)