3.3 Instrument-specific Commands
[ Fixed Microwave Attenuation Value ]
Function description:
This command is used to manage the fixed microwave attenuation values.
Setting format:
:SENSe:MANual:MWAVe:FIXed <ampl>
Query format:
Parameter description:
<ampl> Range: [0, 15] dB with the step of 5 dB.
Return value:
uW attenuation value
Reset status:
0 dB
Key path:
Front panel
—>[Manual Meas]—>[Att Setup]—>[uW Att]
3.3.13 Traces
The commands in this section are used to execute the related operations of the traces. They are
equivalent to some operations of the [Marker] in the menu.
[ Uncorrected Trace Amplitude Query ]
Function description:
This command is used to query the amplitude value of the specified uncorrected
trace at the specified frequency point.
Query format:
:TRACe[:DATA]:UNCorrected:AMPLitude[:VALue]? <trace>,<freq>[,<units>]
Parameter description:
<trace> The parameter <trace> can be one of the following:
NFIGure: Noise figure trace in dB or linear LINear in dB by default;
YFACtor: Y factor trace in dB or linear LINear in dB by default;
PHOT: Hot power trace in dB or linear LINear in dB by default;
PCOLd: Cold power trace in dB or linear LINear in dB by default;
TEFFective: Equivalent noise temperature trace in Kelvin (K), Celsius (CEL) or
Fahrenheit (FAR). The default unit is K.
<freq> Frequency
<units> Frequency units
Return value:
If you use the optional unit parameter, the amplitude value is returned with the
selected unit;
If the optional unit parameter is omitted, the amplitude value is returned with the
default unit of the specified trace.
:TRACe:UNCorrected:AMPLitude:VALue? NFIG,5GHz
[ Uncorrected Trace Maximum Query ]
Function description:
This command is used to query the maximum amplitude value of the specified
uncorrected trace and the corresponding frequency.