3.3 Instrument-specific Commands
Query format:
Parameter description:
OFF: Loss compensation before DUT is off;
FIXed:The loss compensation value before DUT is a fixed value;
TABLe: The loss compensation value before DUT uses the data in the loss
compensation table.
Key path:
Front panel
Loss Comp
—>[Before DUT]
Reset status:
[ Loss Compensation Fixed Value before DUT ]
Function description
: This command is used to set/query the loss compensation fixed value before
Setting format:
:SENSe:CORRection:LOSS:BEFore:VALue <value>
Query format:
Parameter description
: Range: [-100, 100] dB
:SENSe:CORRection:LOSS:BEFore:VALue 5dB
Key path:
Front panel
Loss Comp
—>[Before DUT]—>[Fixed]—>[Fixed Value (before DUT)]
Reset status:
0 dB
[ Loss Compensation Table Data before DUT ]
Function description:
This command is used to set/query the frequency-loss data pairs into the loss
compensation table before DUT.
Setting format:
:SENSe:CORRection:LOSS:BEFore:TABLe:DATA <freq>,<value>{,<freq>,<value>}
Query format:
Parameter description:
201 groups of data can be input at most.
<freq> Frequency, which can be entered in Hz, kHz, MHz or GHz, and the default unit
returned by the query command is Hz
Range: [0, 100] GHz
<value> Loss value, which can be entered in dB.
Range: [-100, 100] dB
:SENSe:CORRection:LOSS:BEFore:TABLe:DATA 4.5GHz,5,6GHz,4
Key path:
Front panel
Loss Comp
—>[Before DUT]—>[Table]—>[Loss Table]—>[Before Table]
Reset status:
the units are Hz and dB