User’s Manual
is a powerful, user-friendly instrument for acoustic measurements. It can work as
a type-1 integrating-averaging sound level meter that complies with IEC 61672 international
standard and its EU counterpart EN 61672 also complies with IEC 60651 and IEC 60804
international standards and their EU counterparts EN 60651 and EN 60804. The SC310 also
complies with the American standards ANSI S1.4 and ANSI S1.43.
is also a spectrum analyser measuring in real time and in one third octave bands
and octave bands, with type 1 filters, which comply with IEC 61260 and EN61260. They also
comply with ANSI S1.11.
Moreover, the
offers the possibility to be upgraded with different modulus to carry out
advanced acoustic measurements.
1.1 Workings modes and functions
, in
its basic version (without modulus), has the following modes of working:
Statistical Integrating Sound Level Meter
Octave band real time spectrum analyser
One third octave band real time spectrum analyser
As Sound Level Meter (S) it measures in the whole dynamic range (single scale) and
simultaneously the following functions:
The sound pressure level with ‘S’, ‘F’ and ‘I’ time averaging. And their maximum and
minimum values during the measurement period
and each second
The peak sound pressure level corresponding to the measurement time
and each second
The sound exposure level, also known as SEL.
The equivalent continuous sound pressure level with programmable consecutive
integration time T and its maximum and minimum values, also known as Leq.
The equivalent continuous sound pressure level with integration time one second
The equivalent continuous sound pressure level during the measurement period.
The equivalent continuous sound pressure level with time averaging ‘I’ and programmable
consecutive integration time T and integration time belonging to the measurement period.
125 ms Functions
(short functions):
The Sound pressure level with ‘S’, ‘F’ and ‘I’ time weighting, sampled every
125 ms. 8 values per second
The Peak sound pressure level corresponding to the latest 125 ms. 8 values
per second
The equivalent continuous sound pressure level with consecutive integration
time of 125 milliseconds (Short Leq). 8 values per second
All these functions are measured simultaneously with the following frequency weightings:
Frequency Weighting A
Frequency Weighting C