7.12 Logfile
In the log events that affect the device or the wireless link are documented. The log file can be downloaded
from this site on your PC. Swap Order will reverse the sort sequence of the logfile entries. Either the newest
entry is in the first row or the oldes entry.
Starting with the firmware version 2.03, there are extensive filters for the logfile, in order to find certain events
more easily. If you set one or more checkmarks in the port filter, only the events that affect these ports are
displayed. With the event filter you can search the message text for specific terms. This is case-sensitive.
You can also enter several search terms separated by comma. Spaces are not allowed here. The Severity
filter is used to turn events of a certain severity on or off. When a date jump in the time stamp occurs, a
separation line is inserted in the logfile for a better overview.