nCPAP Driver Service Manual
2008, Cardinal Health
Page 67 of 81
60. Verify that a ‘High Pressure’ alarm actives immediately (no alarm delay) and that the CPAP
pressure and flow go to zero (normal response as the Driver stops flow and vents the system).
61. After the system settles, flow will re-initiate and the driver will attempt to resume normal operation.
62. If the alarm activates immediately and then recovers, then circle PASS, otherwise circle FAIL.
63. Press the Alarm Mute/Clear button to clear the latched High Pressure alarm.
64. Place exhaust tubing back onto the exhaust port.
Mechanical High Pressure Relief:
65. With the Driver turned on and set to CPAP of 5 cmH
0 and FiO
of 21%, disconnect the Generator
and Circuit from the Driver and attach a high range manometer to the patient outlet port to occlude
the Circuit Driveline and measure the internal pressure.
Note: The manometer must be capable of measuring at least 250 cmH
66. Record and verify that the pop-off pressure on the manometer is within the specifications noted on
the data sheet.
67. Record PASS or FAIL
Battery Tests:
68. The charging system for the internal battery is operational whenever AC power is supplied to the
Driver (regardless of whether it is turned on or off). The battery requires approximately 14 hours to
fully charge from a depleted state.
69. From a full charge, the Driver should operate for 4 hours (including the duration of time that the low
battery alarm is active). Operate the Driver under nominal conditions (i.e. CPAP of 5) while under
battery power and monitor the duration of operation (inclusive of the low battery alarms). As the
battery level drops to low levels, a series of low battery alarms should activate. Note if the alarms
activate and the total duration that the Driver operates while on battery power (inclusive of the alarm
Note: The expected battery life is 2 years and must be replaced every 2 years. If the battery has
been in service for more than 2 years or fails to operate for the stated duration, the battery must
be replaced.