Setting up Network Servers
• Setting up the ColorPASS as a PostScript printer by installing a PostScript printer
driver and the ColorPASS PPD (PostScript printer description).
• Adding a network port and connecting the workstation to one or more NetWare
queues that have been defined for the ColorPASS.
• Installing ColorPASS software, such as color reference files.
For details, see the
User Software Installation Guide
ColorPASS on a NetWare network with NDPS
The ColorPASS supports printing over a NetWare 5.x or later network running either
the TCP/IP protocols or the IPX protocol. For pure IP printing, the ColorPASS takes
advantage of features in NDPS (Novell Distributed Print Services). For IPX printing,
the ColorPASS supports the PServer service in Bindery emulation or through NDS
(Novell Directory Services). For more information on IPX-based printing, see
“ColorPASS on a NetWare network”
Setting up a NetWare environment correctly requires the presence and active
cooperation of the Novell network administrator. You must have administrator
privileges on the network to create new NDS or bindery objects.
NDPS is not like earlier queue-based versions of NetWare printing. Instead, you use an
NDPS Manager and a Printer Agent, which control the tasks previously handled by a
Print queue, print server, and spooler. You can also make the printer driver available for
clients to download from Windows 98/Me and Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/Server
2003 computers.
During ColorPASS Setup, you select the frame type or types that will be used for
communication between the ColorPASS and network servers. Frame type refers to the
format of a communications packet.