- Manual
- 07/2022 - © C
AME S.p.A. - The contents of this manual may be changed at any time and without notice. - T
ranslation of the o
riginal instructions
M2 closing delay time
Adjust the delayed opening of the second leaf compared to the fi rst.
Confi guration>
M2 close delay
1 to 25 seconds (Default 2)
Passage-open warning light
It notifi es the user of the operator status.
The device is connected to output/terminal 5.
Confi guration>
Manage lights
Passage-open warning
Warning light on (Default) - The warning light stays on
when the gate is moving or open.
Warning light fl ashing - The warning light fl ashes every
half second when the gate is opening and stays on when
the gate is open. The light fl ashes every second when the
gate is closing, and remains off when the gate is closed.
Additional light
Choose the operating mode for the lighting device connected to output E3.
Confi guration>
Manage lights
Light E3
Disabled (Default)
Cycle lamp - The lamp stays on during the manoeuvre.
The light remains off if an automatic closing time
is not set.
Courtesy light - The light switches on when a manoeuvre
starts and remains on once the manoeuvre has fi nished,
for the time set under the function [Courtesy time].
Courtesy time
Defi ne how many seconds the additional light (set up as courtesy light) stays on after an opening or closing manoeuvre.
Confi guration>
Manage lights
Courtesy time
60 to 180 seconds (Default 60)
Pre-fl ashing time
Adjust the time for which the beacon is activated before each manoeuvre.
Confi guration>
Manage lights
Pre-fl ashing time
Deactivated (Default)
1 to 10 seconds
CRP address
Assign a unique identifi cation code (CRP address) to the control board.
The function is used where there are multiple operators connected to the same communication BUS using the
CRP protocol.
Confi guration>
RSE communication
CRP address
1 to 254 (Default 1)