background image



Electrical equipment.


Make sure that the electric control panel complies with the laws in force in the country of use. Particularly make sure that its 

protection class suits the place of installation.



It is advisable to install electrical equipment in a dry, well ventilated place where the temperatures are not extreme 



20 to +40°C). Failing this, use special versions of the equipment.



The contacts of undersized or poor quality electrical equipment are liable to deteriorate quickly. This leads to unbalanced power 

being supplied to the motor, which could be damaged as a consequence.

Unless correctly researched and installed, use of Inverters and Soft-starters could impair the safety of the pumping unit. Ask the Calpeda 

Technical Office for assistance if the relative difficulties are not known.

Safe operation depends on good quality electrical equipment being installed.

All starting equipment must always be equipped with:

1) main disconnector with a gap of at least 3 mm between its contacts and a device to lock it in the open position;

2) a suitable thermal protector device for the motor with a maximum current input setting no more than 5% higher than the rated current indicated on 

the motor's data plate and with a trip time of less than 30 seconds;

3) a suitable magnetic device to protect the cables against short-circuits;

4) a suitable protection device that isolates the power supplier in the case of earth faults in the electric pump;

- the following devices are also recommended -

5) a suitable device to protect against phase loss;

6) a device to protect against dry operation;

7) a voltmeter and an amperometer.

Power supply voltage


Permitted variations on supply voltage:

    400V ±10% [50Hz] 

    460V ±10% [60Hz] 

    For other voltage/frequency values: ±5%

Tolerances on operating features: in compliance with IEC 34-1 International Standards.

Heat probes available upon request.


  Make sure that the voltage and frequency values with which the motor is supplied correspond to the data on the motor rating plate. Ask 

for a special version of the motor if the supply voltage fails to comply with the admissible variations. To prevent voltage dips of more 

than 2.5-3% the rated value, make sure that the power supply cable has been sized in relation to its length, the power consumption 

of the unit and the air temperature (consult the technical annex of Calpeda's Submersible Electric Pumps catalogue for details about 

how to size the cable correctly). The voltage must be sinusoidal, while the system must be three-phase with symmetrical supply. 

In accordance with standard CEI 2.3 (IEC 38), the supply voltage in an alternating current motor is considered to be practically 

sinusoidal if, when the motor functions at rated load, the waveform is such that the difference between its every instantaneous 

value and the corresponding instantaneous value of the fundamental component does not exceed 5% of the amplitude of this latter. 

During the temperature-rise test, this difference in amplitude must not exceed 2.5%. The three-phase voltage system is considered 

to be symmetric when the negative sequence component does not exceed 1% of the positive sequence component of the voltage 

system during a long period of time, or 1.5% for a short period of no more than a few minutes, or if the homopolar component of the 

voltage system does not exceed 1% of the positive sequence component.

Direction of rotation.


  The wrong direction of rotation can damage the motor since the power input and axial thrust of the pump is generally sensibly higher 

than forecast.


Find the correct direction of rotation (anti-clockwise for the pump viewed from the discharge side) by means of the following operations:

1) fill the pipe and measure the pressure developed by the electric pump with the slide valve closed;

2) disconnect the mains power supply and invert two of the three phases;

3) repeat the operation from point 1. Maximum pressure shows that the direction of rotation is correct.

If the pump is installed at great depth, the pressure developed during operation in the wrong direction of rotation will not even be sufficient to 

overcome the static level.

Phase imbalance.

Check the power input of each phase. Imbalance must not exceed 5%. If higher values are found (which could be caused by the motor but also by 

the electricity main), check the power inputs of the other two motor-mains connection combinations, taking care to avoid reversing the 

direction of rotation. The best connection will be the one with the least power input difference among the phases. Note that if the highest 

power input is always detected on the same phase of the line, the main cause of imbalance will be due to the mains supply.

Summary of Contents for CS-R Series

Page 1: ...STRUCCIONES DE SERVICIO BETRIEBS UND WARTUNGSANLEITUNG MANUAL DE USO E MANUTEN O I GB F E D P GR 996584 03 2023 Codice n Code N Code n N de c digo Codenummer C digo n Edizione Edition Edition Edici n...

Page 2: ...stio ne sicura ed affidabile del motore per tutto l arco della sua vita devono essere rispettate tutte le indicazioni fornite nella documentazione 1 INFORMAZIONI GENERALI 1 1 Esemplificazione simbolog...

Page 3: ...i operazione sul prodotto accertarsi che le parti elettriche dell impianto su cui si va ad operare non siano collegate alla rete di alimentazione La movimentazione l installazione la conduzione la man...

Page 4: ...4 Immagazzinaggio e movimentazione per una installazione in booster In caso di installazione inclinata contattare direttamente la Calpeda Spa Verificare inoltre la conformit del prodotto alle eventua...

Page 5: ...ervando scrupolosamente tutte le regole nazionali di installazione in Italia norma CEI 64 8 e seguendo gli schemi elettrici riportati nel manuale e quelli allegati ai quadri di comando Tutti i condutt...

Page 6: ...assistenza agli Uffici Tecnici Calpeda L installazione di una apparecchiatura elettrica di buona qualit sinonimo di sicurezza di funzionamento Tutte le apparecchiature di avviamento devono essere sem...

Page 7: ...60 V Per tensione di esercizio a 400 V con motore 400 700 V Per tensione di esercizio a 415 V con motore 415 720 V COLLEGAMENTO PER AVVIAMENTO DIRETTO A Per tensione di esercizio a 220 V con motore 22...

Page 8: ...corrente di avviamento In corrente nominale N B la tensione minima riportata in tabella fa riferimento ad una caduta di tensione non superiore al 3 Prescrizioni generali per l uso di INVERTER durante...

Page 9: ...raffreddamento non garantito velocit dell acqua all esterno del motore inferiore a quella prevista e indicata nella tabella disponibile nella sezione del manuale Dati tecnici dimensioni e pesi In ques...

Page 10: giunzione 3 1 Controllare l integrit dell apparecchiatura elettrica Controllare il serraggio della morsettiera Controllare la tensione di alimentazione 3 2 Controllare lo squilibrio sulle fasi sec...

Page 11: ...or rectly install operate service and dispose of the motor Nevertheless all the instructions in the documentation must be complied with if the motor is to operate safely and reliably throughout its li...

Page 12: ...with the product in any way make sure that the electrical parts of the installation in which the work is to be carried out have been disconnected from the electricity source The motor must be handled...

Page 13: ...chnical documentation storage at very low temperatures consult chapter 4 Handling and storage installation in boosters In case of tilted installation contact directly Calpeda Spa Also make sure that t...

Page 14: ...n in the circuit diagrams in the manual and attached to the control panels All the yellow green earth conductors must be connected to the earthing circuit of the installation before the other conducto...

Page 15: ...elation to its length the power consumption of the unit and the air temperature consult the technical annex of Calpeda s Submersible Electric Pumps catalogue for details about how to size the cable co...

Page 16: ...0 V motor For 400 V operating voltage with 400 700 V motor For 415 V operating voltage with 415 720 V motor CONNECTION FOR For 220 V operating voltage with 220 380 V motor For 230 V operating voltage...

Page 17: ...osses due to a less than optimum waveform Contact the technical offices for specific details max acceleration ramp time see table max deceleration time equal to twice the maximum acceleration time Max...

Page 18: ...he correct cooling is not guaranteed water speed outside the motor lower than the required one indicated in the table available in the Technical data size and weights section of the manual In these ca...

Page 19: ...e that electrical equipment is undamaged Check that terminal box has been tightened properly Check power supply voltage 3 2 Check phase imbalance as described in section 5 5 Electrical connections and...

Page 20: ...mmandations principales pour effectuer correctement l installation le fonctionnement le stockage et le d montage du produit Pour une gestion s re et fiable du moteur durant toute sa dur e de vie les i...

Page 21: ...mais faire fonctionner le moteur non immerg 2 S CURIT Avant d effectuer toute op ration sur le produit s assurer que les parties lectriques de l installation ne sont pas branch es au r seau La manuten...

Page 22: ...p cifique pour un entreposage de tr s basses temp ratures consulter le chapitre 4 Entreposage et transport pour une installation en booster En cas d installation inclin e contacter directement Calpeda...

Page 23: ...nt toutes les normes locales d installation en Italie norme CEI 64 8 et conform ment aux sch mas lectriques report s dans le manuel et ceux annex s aux tableaux de commande Tous les conducteurs de ter...

Page 24: ...apportant ne sont pas bien connus L installation d un mat riel lectrique de bonne qualit est synonyme de s curit de fonctionnement Tous les appareillages de mise en marche doivent toujours tre dot s d...

Page 25: moteur 380 660 V Pour tension de service 400 V avec moteur 400 700 V Pour tension de service 415 V avec moteur 415 720 V RACCORDEMENT POUR D MARRAGE DIRECT A Pour tension de service 220 V avec mote...

Page 26: ...tes cause de la forme d onde non optimale contacter les services techniques pour des indications sp cifiques temps de rampe d acc l ration max voir le tableau temps de d c l ration max quivalent au do...

Page 27: ...d un r glage correct du seuil d arr t ne prot ge pas le moteur des surchauffes localis es dangereuses lorsque le refroidissement correct n est pas garanti vitesse de l eau l ext rieur du moteur inf ri...

Page 28: ...r 2 3 Remplacer le c ble ou refaire la jonction 3 1 Contr ler le bon tat de l appareillage lectrique Contr ler le serrage du bornier Contr ler la tension d alimentation 3 2 Contr ler le d s quilibre s...

Page 29: ...instalaci n el funcionamiento la conservaci n y el desguace correctos del motor mismo De todos modos para una gesti n segura y fiable del motor por toda su vida til se deber n respetar todas las indi...

Page 30: ...EGURIDAD Antes de efectuar cualquier tarea con el motor cerciorarse que las piezas el ctricas de la instalaci n con la que se trabajar no est n conectadas a la red de alimentaci n La manipulaci n inst...

Page 31: ...a espec fica un almacenaje a temperaturas muy bajas consultar el cap tulo 4 Almacenaje y manipulaci n para una instalaci n en boosters En caso de instalaci n inclinada comunicarse con Calpeda Spa Veri...

Page 32: ...CEI 64 8 y siguiendo los esquemas el ctricos expuestos en el manual y los que acompa an los cuadros de mando Todos los conductores de tierra existentes se deber n conectar con el circuito de puesta a...

Page 33: ...en modo tal que no cause una ca da de tensi n superior al 2 5 3 de la tensi n nominal para un dimensionamiento correcto consultar el ap ndice t cnico del cat logo Electrobombas sumergidas Calpeda La...

Page 34: ...motor 380 660 V Para tensi n de servicio a 400 V con motor 400 700 V Para tensi n de servicio a 415 V con motor 415 720 V CONEXI N PARA ARRANQUE DIRECTO A Y Para tensi n de servicio a 380 V con motor...

Page 35: ...ptimal ponerse en contacto con las oficinas t cnicas para recibir indicaciones espec ficas tiempo de rampa de aceleraci n m x v ase tabla tiempo de desaceleraci n m x equivalente al doble del tiempo m...

Page 36: ...nfriamiento correcto velocidad del agua fuera del motor inferior a la prevista e indicada en la tabla disponible en la secci n del manual Datos t cnicos dimensiones y pesos En estos casos es necesario...

Page 37: ...hacer la uni n 3 1 Controlar la integridad del equipo el ctrico Controlar el ajuste de la caja de conexiones Controlar la tensi n de alimentaci n 3 2 Controlar el desequilibrio en las fases seg n el p...

Page 38: ...ung von Installation Betrieb Instandhaltung Au erbetriebnahme des Motors selbst Das bedeutet aber nicht dass f r eine sichere und zuverl ssige Betreibung des Motors w hrend seiner ganzen Nutzungsdauer...

Page 39: ...sser befindet 2 SICHERHEIT Bevor man irgendeinen Vorgang auf dem Produkt ausf hrt sicherstellen dass die elektrischen Teile der Anlage auf der man arbeitet nicht an das Stromnetz angeschlossen sind Da...

Page 40: ...das Kapitel 4 Lagerhaltung und Handling f r eine Installation im Booster Im Fall von geneigter Installation wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Calpeda Spa Au erdem die Konformit t des Produkts mit den et...

Page 41: ...sse m ssen durch qualifiziertes Personal ausgef hrt werden das alle nationalen Installationsbestimmungen in Italien die Norm CEI 64 8 und die im Handbuch zu findenden und dem Schaltschrank beiliegende...

Page 42: ...h an die technischen B ros von Calpeda wenn die entsprechenden Problemstellungen nicht bekannt sind Die Installation einer elektrischen Ausr stung guter Qualit t ist gleichbedeutend mit Betriebssicher...

Page 43: ...n 380 660 V F r 400 V Betriebsspannung mit Motor von 400 700 V F r 415 V Betriebsspannung mit Motor von 415 720 V ANSCHLUSS F R DIREKTANLAUF MIT F r 220 V Betriebsspannung mit Motor von 220 380 V F r...

Page 44: ...stellen um gr ere Verluste wegen nicht optimaler Wellenform zu vermeiden Wenden Sie sich an unsere technischen B ros um genauere Angaben zu erhalten maximale Zeit der Beschleunigungsrampe siehe Tabell...

Page 45: ...rlichen lokalen bertemperaturen wenn die richtige K hlung nicht gew hrleistet ist die Wassergeschwindigkeit au erhalb des Motors ist niedriger als die vorgesehene und in der Tabelle im Abschnitt Techn...

Page 46: ...rische Ausr stung auf Intaktheit pr fen Die Klemmenleiste auf festen Sitz pr fen Die Speisespannung pr fen 3 2 Die Unsymmetrie der Phasen laut des Verfahrens pr fen das im Abschnitt 5 5 Elektrische An...

Page 47: ...o correta funcionamento conserva o e desativa o do produto Todavia isso n o exime o utilizador para obter uma gest o correta e fi vel do motor durante toda a sua vida til de respeitar todas as indica...

Page 48: n o estiver submerso 2 SEGURAN A Antes de executar qualquer opera o no produto certifique se de que as partes el tricas da instala o na qual ir funcionar n o est o ligadas rede de alimenta o As ope...

Page 49: ...nta o para uma instala o em booster Em caso de instala o inclinada contactar diretamente a Calpeda Spa Verifique tamb m a conformidade do produto com as eventuais restri es locais em vigor 4 ARMAZENAG...

Page 50: ...da instala o antes da conex o dos outros condutores por outro lado quando se desliga o motor eletricamente devem ser desconectados por ltimo As extremidades livres dos cabos el tricos nunca devem fic...

Page 51: ...imensionamento consulte o ap ndice t cnico do cat logo de Eletrobombas submers veis da Calpeda A tens o deve ser sinusoidal e o sistema trif sico de alimenta o deve ser sim trico Em conformidade com a...

Page 52: ...tor 400 700 V Para tens o de funcionamento de 415 V com motor 415 720 V CONEX O PARA ARRANQUE DIRETO EM Para tens o de funcionamento de 220 V com motor 220 380 V Para tens o de funcionamento de 230 V...

Page 53: ...o do tempo m ximo de acelera o d M todo de desacelera o ou em roda livre ou em rampa de tens o n o em travagem e Assegurar se sempre que o soft starter esteja exclu do ao terminar a fase de arranque d...

Page 54: velocidade da gua fora do motor inferior quela prevista e indicada na tabela dispon vel na sec o do manual Dados t cnicos dimens es e pesos Nestes casos necess rio rever a instala o ou prever o uso...

Page 55: ...o Verifique o aperto do bloco de terminais Verifique a tens o de alimenta o 3 2 Verifique o desequil brio nas fases executando o procedimento descrito no par grafo 5 5 Conex es e informa es el tricas...

Page 56: ...56 GR 1 56 2 57 3 58 4 58 5 58 6 62 7 63 8 64 9 64 10 65 Calpeda GR 1 1 1 1 2...

Page 57: ...57 57 GR 1 3 1 5 2 4...

Page 58: ...GR 3 3 1 6 10 CS R 70 30 Dowcal N DowChemical 70 dB A ISO 3746 2006 42 1 1 6 3 2 booster 3 3 25 30 C 77 86 F 10 150m 4 booster Calpeda Spa 4 6 10 CS R 15 C 50 35 C 5 1 5 5 5 1 6 10 CS R 1 6 10 CS R 2...

Page 59: ...GR 2 3 booster Booster 5 1 10bar 5 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 defender OR 90 defender 7 8 5 4 CEI 64 8 3 Megger 6 V1 V2 60 20 C 500V DC 500 Hohm PPC 10 Hohm PE2 PA 60 6 W1 W2 U1 U2 Calpeda 500 V 5M 2M Calpeda 71 7...

Page 60: ...60 GR 1 2 3 1 5 20 40 C Inverter Soft starter Calpeda 1 3 mm Off 2 5 30 3 4 5 6 7 400V 10 50Hz 460V 10 60Hz 5 IEC 34 1 2 5 3 Calpeda CEI 2 3 IEC 38 5 2 5 1 1 5 1...

Page 61: ...230 400 V 240 V 240 415 V 380 V 380 660 V 400 V 400 700 V 415 V 415 720 V 220 V 220 380 V 230 V 230 400 V 240 V 240 415 V 380 V 380 660 V 400 V 400 700 V 415 V 415 720 V 440 V 440 760 V 460 V 460 790...

Page 62: ...INVERTER 30 Hz 5kHz 500 e Vp 700 V 500 e Vp 900 V green wire PPC PE2 PA s s P2 kW Vs 0 65 Vn 6CS R 6CS R 8CS R 8CS R 8CS R 8CS R 10CS R 10CS R 10CS R 10CS R 4 15 18 5 45 30 37 45 59 66 75 110 75 92 1...

Page 63: ...63 63 GR 6 2 10 3 1000 1500 6 12 PT100 2 warning 3 C 6 C 15 20 C 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 PVC Calpeda 50 C 2 PE2 PA Calpeda 65 C PT100 6 3 Calpeda Calpeda Hellas 1 2 3 4 6 4 20 30 7 14 2012 19 4 2012 2012 19...

Page 64: ...1 2 3 4 5 1 1 OFF 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 5 1 1 1 ON 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 4 1 3 4 4 2 4 3 3 2 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 5 1 9 8 Calpeda...

Page 65: ...111 2 9 0 76 17 h8 5 0 5 56 N 4 M12 Dati tecnici dimensioni e pesi Technical data dimensions and weights Caract ristiques techniques dimensions et poids Datos t cnicos dimensiones y pesos Technische D...

Page 66: ...66 Optional PT100 8CS R 152 5 45 80 65 127 h7 50 L 43 38 1 S E 6 N 4 M N 4 M16 10CS R...

Page 67: ...67 67 10CS R KEY VERSION A mm 42 86 49 49 S mm B mm C mm D mm 101 5 101 5 127 9 5 12 7 12 7 9 5 12 7 12 7 47 6 54 7 54 7...

Page 68: ...or casing 4 direction of rotation S left 5 Axial load S Shaft overhang P F 1 nombre maximum de d marrages heures r parties quitablement 2 temp rature maximale du liquide pomp 3 Vitesse de l eau l ext...

Page 69: ...322 143 73 45 6 51 56 8 61 66 7 7 75 4 80 4 92 5 104 111 119 123 3 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 55 57 0 5 143 155 172 192 210 219 235 265 283 101 5 191 8CS R 30 8CS R 37 8CS R 45 8CS R 51 8C...


Page 71: ...od le indiqu sur la plaque signal tique est valable la DECLARATION UE DE CONFORMITE suivant la Directive 2014 35 UE ANNEXE III 4 ANNEXE IV CALPEDA S p A 36050 Montorso Vicentino Vicenza ITALIE d clare...

Page 72: ...A declara que o motor el trico submers vel da s rie CS R cumpre o disposto nas DIRETIVAS 2014 30 UE 2014 35 UE 2011 65 UE e sucessivas altera es e aditamentos IEC60034 1 2017 A pessoa respons vel pelo...

Page 73: ...y of Machinery Safety Regulations 2008 No 1597 Electrical Equipment Safety Regulations 2016 No 1101 The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 No 1091 The Restriction of the Use of Certain Haz...


Page 75: corretta gestione del prodotto il cliente installatore deve compilare la tabella sottostante riportando i dati rilevati alla prima installazione e quelli rilevati nelle verifiche controlli successi...

Page 76: ...du centre d assistance Sello del revendedor o del centro de asistencia Stempel des H ndlers oder Servicezentrums Carimbo do revendedor ou centro de assist ncia Cod 996584 03 23 Calpeda s p a Via Roggi...
