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SYNC (Synchronous):
On - Indicates that the SYNC port is active.
Off - Indicates that the T1/SRM port is active.
STBY (Standby):
On - All WAN bridge ports are in the non-forwarding state.
Possible causes of this condition are: redundancy detected by
Spanning Tree, data link layer down, physical layer down, port
disabled, problem in telephone circuit, or improper
Blinking - Some WAN bridge ports are in the forwarding state
and some WAN bridge ports are in the non-forwarding state.
Off - All WAN bridge ports are in the forwarding state.
TST (Test)
On - Indicates that the SYNC port is in test mode.
Off - Indicates that the SYNC port is in non-test mode.
LNK (Link)
On - Indicates a clock is being received from the DCE.
Off - Indicates no clock from the DCE.
CTS (Clear to Send)
On - Indicates that the DCE is ready to receive data from the
SYNC Port, or that the Force CTS True field (refer to the WAN
Physical Configuration screen) is set to YES (On).
Off - A valid CTS is not being received from the DCE. Check the
cabling or check if the DCE is powered on.