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CSMA/CD To Token Ring Translation
When using the ETWMIM, source and destination networks may
often differ in MAC types (e.g., Ethernet - Token Ring, Token Ring -
Ethernet). To bridge traffic between these different MAC types,
translation bridging is necessary.
The ETWMIM promotes maximum network use in multiple bridge
environments. A bridge learns the bridge topology of its network from
bridge protocol data that it receives from other bridges within the
network. The bridges then apply the Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA)
to select a root bridge, and then determine primary data paths within
potential data loop configurations.
Spanning Tree Algorithm is a hierarchy (or tree) of priorities that
bridges establish between themselves. This hierarchy guarantees that
primary and redundant data paths are clearly defined at all times, so
that the network is continuously available to users.
In a multiple bridge environment, one bridge in the network
establishes itself as the root bridge. As the root, this bridge has
priority over all other bridges. In a Spanning Tree, all of the bridges
must determine which bridge is the root, and then determine their
own relative priority within the network.