: The outside layer is the outer perimeter of the panel or part. The layer name
“outside” is required to alert AvCAM to cut this on the outside and cut clockwise.
See AvCAM – help – special layer names
Whenever QCAD makes a new entity, it is drawn on the layer currently selected, and
using the currently selected color.
When you chamfer the corner of 2 lines, QCAD creates a new line that represents the
chamfer line using the currently selected layer and the currently selected color.
Open the layer dialog by clicking QCAD – view – Layerlist
if the layer list is not displayed.
Layers can be hidden by clicking the eye on the layer you
want to hide in the layer dialog. It can be restored by
clicking again. Bezel and Outside are hidden and layer 2
is current in the picture shown.
The highlighted layer is current.
A handy feature is the hide all (grayed out eye on the top) and show all (the Black eye
on the top) buttons which hide all of the layers except the current layer, and show all of
course un-hides them. Freeze can be used to protect a layer from inadvertent editing. I
don’t use that often, because when an instrument is inserted, the individual entities are
protected. One note is that it may be necessary to snap to entities on an inserted file. If
the snap won’t work, try showing all layers.
Do not use a layer named “block”!
When AvCAM sees the word block it assumes
that it should save the block definition. If you have a layer named block, the drawing will
not be usable for AvCAM.
defines the instrument hole. You will be
asked where to move to. Hit the F6 key
(intersection). Click on the vertical line,
then click on the horizontal line that
comprises the center mark of the
instrument. The instrument will move from
the center of the instrument to the
intersection of the vertical line and the
horizontal line of the center mark.