sorting is done and then the actual tool path is simulated. The Colors indicate the pass
number 1 = brown, 2 = red, 3 = orange, 4 = yellow, 5 = green (the resistor colors)
Cut the file
Ready?? Click cut the file. The router turns on, proceeds to the starting point, lowers to
the cutting position and commences cutting. No further intervention is required. Assure
that coolant is flowing. (Adjust the spindle delay time in move options to allow time for
the spindle to come up to speed and the coolant to reach the top.) When routing is
complete, the router will raise and power will be removed from the router and the
coolant pump.
When cutting is completed, clean the machine. Wipe down the steel parts with a dry
rag and spray with a light coat of WD40. Remove the collet and end mill. Clean out any
chips and spray collet and collet bore with WD40.
SC3 Control Unit
The on button turns AC power on. The off button as well as the emer stop switch
removes all AC power from the internal components. If the spindle is running, or the x
or y axis is moving, everything will stop in the off position and will not automatically
restart when turned back on. The light between the on and off switch is lighted when
the internal components are receiving AC power. The jumper plug in the back needs to
be plugged in for the power to come on. The connector provides provisions for a
customer supplied guarding system and will shut down the machine when open.
The “1” position allows the computer to switch the ac power to the rear gfci
socket. The “0” position removes control from the switch thereby removing power from
the socket. Before performing any maintenance, remove the power cord from the SC3.
Positioning the Panel Pro:
Jog to the position you want to be 0,0 and hit the keyboard “r” key.
You can individually set the x or y axis to zero or to another position by clicking the x or
y position on the status bar. For instance you have a 1/8” hole that you know is located
at 5,3.4. Position the end mill so that it will fall freely into the 1/8” hole. Click the x
position and enter 5 on the form and click ok. Click the Y axis position and enter 3.4 on
the form and click ok. The position readouts should now say 5 and 3.4
Similarly if you have a panel blank that is clamped down and squared, you can move
the Y axis so a 1/8” end mill just clears the bottom edge of the panel and enter -.0625 in
the Y axis form. Using jog, move to the left side of the panel. Move the x axis with the
mouse wheel so that the end mill just clears the left edge. Set the X position to -.0625
AvCAM leaves the X and Y axis engaged at all times to avoid inadvertent loss of
position. It is possible to disable the x and y axis in machine > disable axis, but the