If AvCAM – Machine – Hardware settings shows the Panel Pro sn3xxx but hitting
connect does not initiate communications, turn off the SC3 controller, close AvCAM,
wait about 30 seconds. Turn the controller back on, open AvCAM..
There should be no reason to be injured while operating the Panel Pro if a few simple
precautions and common sense are exercised.
The SC3 is powered by 110vac and switches 110vac for the coolant pump and router.
Any leaks or spills should be corrected before further machine use.
Operate only on a dry floor.
Test the GFCI outlet with the router running (click spindle on status bar and check
spindle on) before each use. Press the test button on the GFCI, and the router should
stop. Press the reset button on the GFCI with AvCAM commanding spindle on to
resume operation.
Do not operate the machine if the floor in the area is wet.
If any coolant leak is noticed, immediately disconnect the power from the SC3
from a dry location and repair the leak. Make sure any area where power cords
run are dry.
Under no circumstances should the guard around the router bit be removed while the
router is running. Coolant and metal chips will fly everywhere.
Safety glasses are recommended. As the milling bit performs drilling operations,
sometimes some chips can fly.
Ear protection is required. Keep hands clear of pinch points.
We make no claims as to the medical properties of or continued exposure to aluminum.
It is recommended that you avoid contact with the copious chips generated by the
cutting action. The chips are sharp and can easily embed themselves in the skin.
Nitrile gloves are quite effective at keeping chips at bay.
Chips should be flushed off with running water. If flushing with water does not remove
chips, or metal slivers, then rubbing with clean Scotch Brite will often remove small
metal slivers.
Keep fingers away from moving parts to keep them from getting pinched. When the
pressure builds up the stepper motors will start skipping steps, but a painful bruise
possibly a broken bone could result if fingers (or other parts of the body) are placed
between moving and non moving parts.