Keep fingers away from the router bit. It will cut fast and sure. Again
Turn the SC3 power switch on. Click on the turqouis AvCAM icon on your desktop to
open the AvCAM program. This is the preferred turn on sequence.
If you are connected and the SC3 controller is working the status bar on the main
screen will read “firmware version 2.6 found” (or later version)
If connected to the controller then the status bar will read “controller offline”. In this
case, open the options > hardware menu.
Once communication is established, verify all of the settings. Open the various setting
dialogs and review the settings.
Information on the settings can be found in the help file. Click F1 to get context
sensitive help on any open window. The help file is the main operating manual
for the Panel Pro.
If the help file is not found, navigate to the folder where AvCAM is located if prompted
and locate AC19.chm.
After the machine is set up and communications established then hit the keyboard “J”
or “1” key to enter the jog mode. If the jog buttons are visible on the upper left corner of
the screen, you are already in jog mode.
On successful connection, a message box will ask you if it is ok to move to machine
home. Unless you have a failed home switch, you always want to allow the home
function to run so that the software position is synchronized with the hardware position.
The X, Y and Z axis may be exercised from the jog menu.
Note that until Z Zero is set,
all axis will move at slow speed. To temporarily move at high speed, hit the 7 key.
The jog functions may be exercised using a mouse on the buttons on the upper left side
of the screen, or equivalent key pad keys.
Look in the help file contents for shortcut keys.