Plug the AC cord that exits the machine near the Y axis stepper motor into the GFCI
AC socket on the SC3.
Note: the GFCI test cannot be completed until the computer has commanded the
spindle and pump power on, and the manual switch on the controller is on. It should
be tested weekly.
Install the usb driver (CDM21228.exe on the flash drive) before plugging the
usb cable into your computer! See the following section on software
The usb driver does not need to be installed if the computer will not be
used to run the Panel Pro (offline use).
Connect the AC Power supply cord to the SC3 socket. Connect the other end into a
grounded 20 amp 110VAC circuit not shared by other equipment.
Recommended computer:
Windows XP or Vista are not supported and AvCAM will not install.
QCAD needs a 64 bit processor.
We recommend using a desktop style computer running Windows 10 operating system.
We also recommend 8GB memory. If a computer is used that has been used for other
purposes, clear out any unused programs. The only programs you should have open is
AvCAM and QCAD(or other cad program). The keyboard that will control the Panel Pro
absolutely must have a numeric key pad and the mouse must have a mouse wheel.
While a lap-top will run the Panel Pro, the numeric key pad is used frequently. An external
key pad may be employed, however the Num Lock has to be on to use it, and then it
remaps the main key board so that the U,I,O,J,K,L,M keys are now number keys. If you
have to type in a file name, it becomes awkward switching the num lock on and off.
Also plan to have at least a 17” monitor with about 1024 x 768 pixel setting at least for
Arrange the computer so that the right hand can be on the keyboard or mouse and
the left hand can reach the middle of the Panel Pro. Do not extend the supplied 10
foot USB cable.
Software Installation:
Install the usb driver software (CDM21228.exe) before
plugging the usb cable to the controller!
You must have administrative privileges AND run as administrator.